Posted by Circuits Arena on Monday, 10 November 2014
HIGH POWER LED DRIVER CIRCUIT With MOSFET & LMC555 IC is the artlcle explaining HIGH POWER LED DRIVER CIRCUIT This HIGH POWER LED DRIVER CIRCUIT helps the drive the variable voltage for LED light up. A cheap Chine...
This HIGH POWER LED DRIVER CIRCUIT helps the drive the variable voltage for LED light up. A cheap Chinese LED lamp that doesn’t have the option to dim its light and also doesn't reliable to operate overvoltages, circuits may damage power supply stage but this circuit overcome from the issues like operating voltage and current.
555 IC using we can make any type of circuit with help of IC 555, it has excellent properties in electronic circuits and many projects consisting 555 IC timer circuit.
IC 555 integrated circuit and a power MOSFET transistor to drive the LEDs. The led lamp shown in the video is powered from a 3.7V Li-ion battery that lasts longer compared with the original one that was a 4V/600mA.
You need to use the CMOS version LMC555 IC for voltages below 5V and the normal IC 555 type for voltage above 5V. If you want to use high power LEDs then you can increase the voltage up to 12V and use the same circuit and components. The MOSFET that I used (IRLU3802PBF) doesn’t need a heatsink but you should consider using one if the power dissipation gets higher than 2 Watts.