Posted by Circuits Arena on Tuesday, 6 January 2015
Night Security Light Circuit Diagram is the artlcle explaining Night Security Light Circuit Diagram : Here may be a easy circuit switches on a lightweight around a pair of hours once hour, the ...
Night Security Light Circuit Diagram:
Here may be a easy circuit switches on a lightweight around a pair of hours once hour, the time at that most of the robberies happening.
This simple circuit is build around a CMOS IC 4060 to get the specified temporal arrangement. throughout day time the LDR has low resistance and keeps the pin twelve of the IC1 high, preventing the IC1 from periodic .
When it's dark the LDR resistance becomes high and also the pin twelve of IC1 becomes low and also the IC starts periodic , that indicated by the flashing of junction rectifier D3.The values of the temporal arrangement parts R1, R2, C4 ar thus chosen that the out place pin3 of IC1 goes high once eight hours. which means the high output drives the triac to change on the lamp around 2’O clock. At morning, the LDR resistance drops and also the pin twelve of IC1 goes high and stops the oscillation, creating the lamp OFF. The switch S1 is wont to manually ON the lamp. The condenser C2 prevents false triggering.