In many electronic circuit applications a delay of a few seconds or
minutes becomes a crucial requirement for ensuring correct operation of
the circuit. Without the specified delay the circuit could malfunction
or even get damaged.
Here we discuss how we can make simple delay timers using very ordinary components like transistors, capacitors and diodes.
Let's analyze the various configurations in details.
The first circuit diagram shows how a transistors and a few other
passive components may be connected for acquiring the intended delay
timing outputs.
The transistor has been provided with the usual base resistor for the current limiting functions.
A LED which is used here just indication purposes behaves like the collector load of the circuit.
A capacitor, which is the crucial part of the circuit gets the specific
position in the circuit, we can see that it's been placed at the other
end of the base resistor and not directly to the base of the transistor.
A push button is used to initiate the circuit.
On depressing the button momentarily, a positive voltage from the supply
line enters the base resistor and switches ON the transistor and
subsequently the LED.
However in the course of the above action, the capacitor also gets charged fully.
On releasing the push button, though the power to the base gets
disconnected, the transistor continues to conduct with the aid of the
stored energy in the capacitor which now starts discharging its stored
charge via the transistor.
The LED also stays switched ON until the capacitor gets fully discharged.
Te value of the capacitor determines the time delay or for how long the transistor stays in the conducting mode.
Along with the capacitor, the value of the base resistor also plays an
important role in determining the timing for which the transistor
remains switched ON after the push button is released.
However the circuit using just one transistor will be able to produce time delays which may range only for a few seconds.
By adding one more transistor stage (next figure) the above time delay range can be increased significantly.
The addition of another transistor stage increases the sensitivity of
the circuit, which enables the use of larger values of the timing
resistor thereby enhancing the time delay range of the circuit.