Posted by Circuits Arena on Saturday, 12 August 2023
Potentiometer Diagram - Symbol and Its Working? is the artlcle explaining Potentiometer Diagram - Symbol and Its Working? Potentiometer: A potentiometer is a device that can change or measure how much electrici...
Potentiometer Diagram - Symbol and Its Working?
A potentiometer is a device that can change or measure how much electricity flows in a circuit. It has a long wire with a metal piece that can slide on the wire to make it longer or shorter. The potentiometer can be used to change how much electricity flows, to split the electricity into two parts, or to sense the position of something.
The potentiometers or the “pots”, as it is commonly known in the electric circles, is a three terminal variable resistor. Out of its three terminals, two of them are fixed and one is a varying (linear / rotary) terminal.

Resistance, small bundle of resistance, is one of the most commonly used primary components in the electric circuit. The most frequently used to streamline current flow by adding / reducing resistance from the circuit, these resistors are available in many forms and sizes. These resistors can be widely classified as fixed and variable resistors.
Some of the common uses of potentiometers are:
Sound control: Potentiometers can change the sound level, quality, and direction in devices that make or play sound, such as speakers, headphones, amplifiers, and mixers. For example, a round potentiometer can be used to turn the knob of a speaker to make it louder or quieter.
Position sensing: Potentiometers can turn the movement of a stick or a slider into an electric signal that can be used to tell or control something. For example, a joystick uses two potentiometers to tell the horizontal and vertical movements of the stick.
Calibration: Potentiometers can compare and measure how much electricity comes from different sources with high accuracy and precision. For example, a potentiometer can be used to check an ammeter by matching the electricity loss across a known wire with the electricity loss across the ammeter.
Potentiometers are used in many fields such as electronics, engineering, medicine, woodworking, and robotics. They are simple, useful, and reliable devices that can do many things with little power use.
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potentiometer working
potentiometer application
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